YOUR LIFE IS the result of a series of decisions

Due to overwhelming demand 2025 enrollment closed early.
Next cohort starts in early 2026.
Cohort Completion Rate
Strongly Recommended
Art of Accomplishment is an emotional dojo for working on the most difficult, buried, and hard to overcome blockers to reaching our full potential.
Joseph Kelly
CEO, Unchained Capital

Transform Your Decision Making,
Transform Your Life

We’ve spent decades teaching our approach to hundreds of world-class founders, C-suite execs, and top creators — with breakthrough results.

Then, we distilled the most powerful learnings into a journey designed to transform you from the inside out. 

This course will completely rewire your approach to making decisions — in a way that will likely radically change your life.

Jonny Miller,
Founder and Podcast Host


Go from Stuck

To Unstoppable

Most people end up stuck in analysis paralysis when facing a big decision. You think that if you just research enough or gather enough data points, you’ll reach the perfect decision. Yet despite all your calculations, you’re left more confused than when you started.






how it works

Your emotions are the key

Studies show that when the emotional center of your brain is impaired, it takes hours to make a simple decision — like where to eat or what pen color to choose.

That means that if we want to transform our decision-making, we must go beyond frameworks that rely purely on logic.

Equip yourself with the tools to tap into your emotional wisdom
Make previously difficult decisions quickly and easily
Break through stuck points in your personal and professional life
Discover how to make great decisions with clarity and conviction

“Modern neurology shows us that we make decisions in the emotional center of our brain. 

Yet, all the decision-making skills we have ever been taught use logic.”

This has been a doorway into the sense of freedom in my life that I've been searching for — for a very long time. Incredibly well-conceived and delivered.

Jason Berv, Ph.D
Founder of Blue Dot Coaching

Experience the Difference

  • Rapid Transformative Coaching
    Participate in weekly Q&As with world-renowned coach Joe Hudson. Experience powerful breakthroughs.
  • Powerful Group Work
    Discover the power of small group work and partner work to support you in going deep in the journey of self-discovery.
  • Lasting Impact
    Backed by the latest neurological and psychological findings and designed to create sustained, long-lasting change.

Tiago Forte

Founder of Building a Second Brain
The personal breakthroughs that I have experienced in Joe's courses have been nothing short of transformational, with benefits across my work and my life.

I’ve seen dramatic growth in my business, reached new creative depths, had more intimacy in my relationships with my family and friends, and developed a deeper warmth and love toward myself even when I fall short of my ambitions.

Joe Hudson

Joe is a coach for senior executives, founders, and board members at high-profile technology companies. He helps clients see and uproot complex behavior patterns that have caused them pain and inefficiency for decades.

His approach springs from a 23-year meditation practice and insights from dozens of spiritual, psychological, and neurological traditions. He trusts his client’s wisdom and poses questions that create deep reflection, allowing clients to experience incredible results in a very short period of time.

more about joe

The Reverse Classroom

Small Group
A 90-minute live call each week to experiment with and reflect on the week's lesson with a group of 6 participants
Rapid Fire Coaching with Joe
Rapid Fire Coaching with Joe is available to participants in weekly group calls.
Listen to a special episode each week that introduces the key topics
Solo Work
Perform experiments on your own to explore and practice with what you’ve learned
Partner Work
A 60-minute live call once per week with a partner to practice and integrate new distinctions using exercises
Big Group
A 90-120 minute live call once per week that includes coaching by Joe, a Q&A on the week’s lesson, and conversational exercises

Over decades of doing transformational coaching, we’ve seen that
transformation doesn’t come from more information.

There are some things you can only learn by stepping up to the baseball plate. No amount of reading or watching others play can compare to picking up a bat yourself. The same is true for the deep emotional work we do in the Great Decisions Course. 

That's why we designed this course in a "reverse classroom style" to be intentionally light on theory:

  • Aside from one podcast a week, we have almost no lectures or presentations. 
  • Instead, you’ll engage in solo work and run live experiments with your partner and small group. 
  • Every Friday, we’ll host a Q&A with Joe where you can ask intellectual and emotional questions, dive deeper into what’s coming up, and get coaching.
  • Each week is designed to be a cohesive arc and begins on Friday. We release all materials for you to prepare for your live calls.

Powerful experience and framework for living an aligned and rich life. My favorite community to do deep work with.

Jessica Scorpio
Founder & Advisor | Climate

RUNS January 10th - February 14th

Course Schedule

The Great Decisions Course runs for 5 weeks from January 10th to February 14th.

Welcome & Kick-off Call: Friday January 10th @ 9:00AM to 10:30AM PT (check your time zone)

Partner Work

Timing: Partner calls are scheduled with your partner (you'll meet them in the course).
These are mandatory and not recorded, and are an essential part of the course.
They last 60 minutes and happen on Monday or Tuesday.

Small Group Work

Timing: Small Group calls last 90 minutes and are scheduled on Wednesday or Thursday.
We curate your small groups carefully, based on your application.
These are mandatory and not recorded, and they are an essential part of the course. You will pick a time when you enroll and keep it for the entire course.

8:00 AM - 9:30 AM PT  (check your time zone)
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM PT  (check your time zone)
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM PT (check your time zone)
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PT  (check your time zone)

Large Group Q&A and Rapid-Fire Coaching with Joe Hudson

Timing: Every Friday 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM PT (check your time zone)

These are optional, but highly encouraged. We recommend attending so you can ask questions and get the chance to be coached live by Joe on a topic of your choosing. These will be recorded for later viewing.


Course Curriculum


5-Week Course Schedule

Welcome & Kick-off Call: Friday January 10th, 8:30 am PT (check your timezone)

Week 1: Setting the Stage

Individual Work

Solo exercises - 3h per week
Daily exercises, Weekly assignments, Podcast

Optional - group Study Hall

1:1 Partner Work

Monday or Tuesday - 60 Minutes - Self-scheduled with your 1:1 partner

Small Group Meeting

Wednesday or Thursday - 90 minutes - Pick a time when you sign up
8:00-9:30 am PT (check your timezone),
12:00-1:30 pm PT (check your timezone),
4:30-6:00 pm PT (check your timezone),
OR 6:00-7:30 pm PT (check your timezone)

Rapid Coaching with Joe

Friday, January 17th - 90 minutes
8:30 - 10:00 am PT (check your timezone)

Week 2: Diving Into Emotional Inquiry

Individual Work

Solo exercises - 3h per week
Daily exercises, Weekly assignments, Podcast

Optional - group Study Hall

1:1 Partner Work

Monday or Tuesday - 60 Minutes - Self-scheduled with your 1:1 partner

Small Group Meeting

Wednesday or Thursday - 90 minutes - Pick a time when you sign up
8:00-9:30 am PT (check your timezone),
12:00-1:30 pm PT (check your timezone),
4:30-6:00 pm PT (check your timezone),
OR 6:00-7:30 pm PT (check your timezone)

Rapid Coaching with Joe

Friday, January 24th - 90 minutes
8:30 - 10:00 am PT (check your timezone)

Week 3: Developing Your Principles

Individual Work

Solo exercises - 3h per week
Daily exercises, Weekly assignments, Podcast

Optional - group Study Hall

1:1 Partner Work

Monday or Tuesday - 60 Minutes - Self-scheduled with your 1:1 partner

Small Group Meeting

Wednesday or Thursday - 90 minutes - Pick a time when you sign up
8:00-9:30 am PT (check your timezone),
12:00-1:30 pm PT (check your timezone),
4:30-6:00 pm PT (check your timezone),
OR 6:00-7:30 pm PT (check your timezone)

Rapid Coaching with Joe

Friday, January 31st - 90 minutes
8:30 - 10:00 am PT (check your timezone)

Week 4: Learning Clarity Hacks

Individual Work

Solo exercises - 3h per week
Daily exercises, Weekly assignments, Podcast

Optional - group Study Hall

1:1 Partner Work

Monday or Tuesday - 60 Minutes - Self-scheduled with your 1:1 partner

Small Group Meeting

Wednesday or Thursday - 90 minutes - Pick a time when you sign up
8:00-9:30 am PT (check your timezone),
12:00-1:30 pm PT (check your timezone),
4:30-6:00 pm PT (check your timezone),
OR 6:00-7:30 pm PT (check your timezone)

Rapid Coaching with Joe

Friday, February 7th - 90 minutes
8:30 - 10:00 am PT (check your timezone)

Week 5: Integration

Individual Work

Solo exercises - 3h per week
Daily exercises, Weekly assignments, Podcast

Optional - group Study Hall

1:1 Partner Work

Monday or Tuesday - 60 Minutes - Self-scheduled with your 1:1 partner

Small Group Meeting

Wednesday or Thursday - 90 minutes - Pick a time when you sign up
8:00-9:30 am PT (check your timezone),
12:00-1:30 pm PT (check your timezone),
4:30-6:00 pm PT (check your timezone),
OR 6:00-7:30 pm PT (check your timezone)

Rapid Coaching with Joe

Friday, February 14th - 90 minutes
8:30 - 10:00 am PT (check your timezone)

The AOA Wall of Love

Becoming unstuck, empowerment, connection, empathy, processing emotions, self love, boundaries.
Amit Patel
Don’t doubt it, test it. It will change your life in all ways possible
Irene Vogelaar
Emotional roller coaster that's intense and rewarding.
Slava Ukrayini
[I am] much more aware of my emotions and how they affect my behavior; instead of walling them off I listen to them.
Kunal Bhalla
Come with confusion, leave with clarity, and a set of tools to find your way back there again and again. And again.
Drew Smith
It helped me be even more in tune with my body and emotions. It helped me with tools to make better decisions and implement principles to live a better life. It also helped me to be more vulnerable and surprisingly have more love for the people I was 'hating'.
PJ LeBlanc
Reframing what decisions are and thus reframing what life is.
Luan Hassett
Transformational... ALIVE!!
Tamara Kemper
Learn to make great decisions aligned with yourself (embodied) and the life you want to live with ease.
Esther Villars
Mac Martine
It's a course about how decisions get stuck - with avoided emotions and contracted mind. It has you sit down every day and experience emotions you're avoiding, which is like pouring gasoline on the candle of your personal development.
Lady Red Beacham
All decisions are to feel or avoid feeling some emotion(s). So this course isn't about better strategy, but about transforming the core of why the decision is a decision in the first place. When that gets unstuck, decisions will make themselves.
Max Sutter
If you don't resist, this course, like all of the AOA experiences, will open your head, heart, and gut to everything you didn't know you desperately wanted. See for yourself if the noise that prevents you from getting to know yourself and your purpose starts to fade.
Nancy Elliott
An intuitive framework on how to stay connected with myself to make more confident decisions. And lots of work :)
Baha B. Rudin
Life changing.
Angie Wang
A transformation vortex wrapped in hugs.
Royal Kelly
A crash course in better understanding and accepting more and more parts of yourself, with ripples that will go out to every part of life.
Alex Kopelyan
Lifechanging - do it.
Ryan Stern
Best course on decision making.
Mohsin Tariq
I feel so much better about the scariest things I used to feel squashed by. I feel ready to have kids and don't feel crushed by work emotions anymore.
Lex Charriere
If you want to get clear on decisions, the Great Decisions Course is what you have to join.
By helping you welcome all your emotions, it becomes possible to make decisions that take into account what feels right in your system, while at the same time not making them *from* fear or anger or sadness.
Kalia Crowder
With 25 years of corporate leadership experience, I have participated in numerous programs; however, very few have offered genuinely transformative experiences. "The Decisions Course," particularly its exercises and tools, challenged me and led to a welcomed personal shift. This course provided me with a sense of peace and a deeper understanding of my emotions. It helped me refine and clarify my principles. The collaborative nature of the course proved instrumental in experiencing the profound impact of giving and receiving love, presence, and empathy to build meaningful connections with others. The lessons and tools from this course immediately changed how I engage with others, significantly enhancing my effectiveness in decision-making and all my relationships.
Rob Card
This course taught me how to meet myself for the first time with compassion and love and connect to all of my emotions.
Bogdan Dumitriu
It’s a course to learn how to find all the answers you seek within you.
Jing Wu
A mental and emotional rollercoaster filled with moments of authenticity and vulnerability, self-introspection, and a collective acceptance of messy human existence. Insights into how emotions can drive our decisions and really digging into what my head/heart/gut are telling me.
Daria Jung
It makes decision-making super clear and easy.
Peng Wu
An intense and highly effective learning experience for which I am profoundly grateful.
Deborah K Fygenson
Discovering a deeper truth about what I really want from life. Deeper truth about my own reality.
Archana Murali
It is an emotional rollercoaster that will give you the tools to be more authentic and make your decisions from there.
Tali Kimelman
Applied self exploration. Deep emotional work. Pattern breaking and assumption questioning.
Gabriel A. Johnson-Wesley
This course is a fucking roller coaster of emotions where you learn how to be with yourself in total acceptance. A move that produces so much freedom in your system that you won't know how to be yourself anymore. Highly recommend.
Pablo Estrada
The Connection Course teaches you to be vulnerable, impartial, empathetic, and full of wonder with direct experience.
Hao Meng
I was exposed to ways of relating to others and myself that are intense, meaningful, and connection-building.
Owen Henshaw
This is a course about emotions, honesty, and how you can connect with other people and yourself through them.
Matt Kramer
Something everyone needs to do for themselves, those they love, and the world.
Nancy Elliott
As a very rational person this course reshaped how I connect to myself and my emotions.
Balazs Horvath-Kele
Everything you wished therapy would be but better.
Joachim Almdal
Transformational. Helps you discover more about yourself and deepen your connection with others.
Robyn Smith
I experienced connection with complete strangers here and saw in others what I, myself, face on a daily basis. I've gained some tools that allow new perspectives and because of that I am experiencing self-love and a softness I didn't have before.
Anna Barnes
Full. I cried fully. I laughed fully. I felt fully. My experience was that I spend a lot of energy not feeling fully and on the other side of that is an expansive vista where I get to play.
My experience was really amazing- being a logical thinker I've found it hard to access and express my emotions but this course put me back in touch on how to do that.
This course is a great primer on a different way to relate to yourself, others and the world.
Timely, worthwhile, life changing.
Sebastian Bedoya
A super polished experiential learning opportunity, based on a deep understanding of what authenticity and connection really feel like, what gets in the way of those, and how to practice the skills of connection in an embodied way.
Daniel Brottman
I tried IFS for years and had more success opening my heart to strangers in the Connections course than I've had with years of therapy. It's hard but worth it.
The Connection course has improved my life. It has taught me how to have deeper conversations and relationships with others by being Vulnerable, Impartial, Empathetic and Full of Wonder. This is a lifestyle which taps into my authentic self to create the fulfilling life I want. Lastly, the course has taught me that I judge myself more than others judge me and I should be kinder to myself by setting boundaries with my inner critic/the voice in my head. Thank you so much!
Beyond my expectations, a way to access spaciousness while being loved and held by the community.
Eva Pianezzola
Foundation for unwiring the sense of separation. In many ways, the most challenging of all the courses, pointing to the simplicity of love.
Agnieszka Snarska
It was perspective-shifting. I realized that all connection stems from within and when you are in VIEW, you can access a deeper self or a more true part of yourself. This does wonders for your conversations and connections.
The Connection Course gave me a safe and supportive training space for practicing the kind of open-hearted connection I long for in my day-to-day life and with clients
Tamara Kemper
Incredible. The curriculum was well put together and the content was paramount. I learned and experienced so much.
Bradford Thomas
The Connections Course made me a better executive, business owner, and human.
Jenny Wood
Very informative. It gave me new perspectives and techniques I bring into every interaction.
Very impactful, professionally and personally. I'm able to cultivate greater depth interpersonally and have developed enhanced self-awareness.
Andras Lenart
The Connections Course gave me increased self-knowledge and simple, meaningful tools to connect with colleagues, loved ones, and new acquaintances.
Rob Card
I have learned a gentler relationship and way of being with myself, an increased connection with my partner (and awareness when I am preventing it), and a more impactful and harmonious relationship with my clients and work.
Matthew A. Grande
Increases your capacity for unconditional love.
A journey of love to the center of me.
Casey Galanti
Expansive and beautiful. Accessible and deep. So powerful.
Brooks Barron
Masterclass is like a reset for life that opens your heart.
Kirsten Corbett
Keith McGuinness
A most deeply transformative experience, a must do for anyone looking to live a life of joy and openness.
Shweta Sharma
A wildly practical and pragmatic approach to cracking open the heart and encouraging life to unfold from within its depths.
Drew Smith
Fantastic course on feeling more free and joyful.
Charlie Houpert
Master Class is the best course you can take to get in touch with yourself. You will start seeing yourself in a whole new way.
Julia Sutter
Masterclass helped me put down my emotional baggage, look at it, hug it and love it, fold it and put it away so I could look at it whenever I wanted, and enabled me to walk around free unburdened of it. An incredible gift I am so grateful for.
Johanna Fulghum
The Master Class is a bait and switch in the best possible way. You go in expecting to get better at your job and most important relationships and you leave a completely different person--or rather, you leave as the authentic self you didn't know you were hiding.
Kalia Crowder
Intensely practical, transformational journey.
Owen Henshaw
A program that focuses on challenging common limiting beliefs, along with the opportunity to experience whats on the other side of them.
Pablo Estrada
Insight upon insight. Love through your truth.
Misha Y.
What a ride! An amazing experience.
The education your parents and school should have given you, and which only a lucky few in a million get to have. The best gift you could give yourself, those around you, and the world.
Radu R.
So well thought out, fulfilling, and challenging. Incredibly powerful.
Meredith McPherson
Deeply effective, highly focused course on challenging limiting beliefs.
Stephen Z.
Small scary steps that bring liberation.
Anton Herasymenko
A game changer for how I experience everyday life.
Igor Wasilewski
An emotional dojo to explore restrictive behaviours and patterns, uncover what’s hidden under them and run experiments in a supportive community.
Sneha Vaidyanathan
A tutorial for emotional fluidity that turns into a connected community as it happens.
Brian Feliciano
Deep lasting transformation towards being my true self.
Esther V.
Intense. Exhausting. Loving. Life changing. Not for the faint of heart... For all hearts.
EJ Allen
An immersive adventure in self inquiry and facing things.
Scott Britton
One of the most life changing classes I have ever taken. It taught me more about love than I thought possible.
Samek Mulepati
Powerful. The only course I'll ever need.
Alice Henry
A deeply grounded, trustworthy course in a space that often feels mushy and endless and loopy and self-narcissistic.
Yatharth Agarwal
Life embracing journey that has impacted my relationship with myself and all those around me.
Sarah Ryan
Emotional summer camp for type-A successful hyper-smart nerds. White-water canoeing toward unconditional love with them.
Harry Taussig
A training in self-love and awakening, structured in various weeks with different angles, packaged for modern day people.
Max Sutter
Discover the depths of your emotions. Learn to break your heart open again and again to find out who you actually are.
Quinn Fitzgerald
Heartbreaking in the best possible way.
Jamie Pellegrin
Learning how to surf deeper emotional waters.
Olga Kritova
Master Class is what you've always been looking for, without knowing it. If you let it in, this work will change your life.
Aaron Olson
Intense self-discovery bootcamp that opens up your heart and mind.
Transformative personal development community and course.
Pratik Stephen
Impactful in ways I don't fully understand yet.
Sherrill Johnson
Builds emotional muscles I didn't know I had/existed.
Kunal B.
Self exploration and human connection handbook.
It opens up an entirely different way of looking at connection with other people.
John Doherty
A way to learn how to be in your body, especially for those who are very intellectual.
Frank Galanti
I love Joe and what he has built. It is a joy to unpack the emotions that underpin patterns to discover new ways of living, connecting, and running my business.
Lisa Dyson

One of the most life-changing courses I've taken. It's made a deep impact on my daily spiritual practice, my partnership, and on how much joy I experience in work.

Edmond Lau
Entrepreneur, Coach, Facilitator

Course Pricing

2025 Course Dates:
January 10 - February 14

Enrollment Opens:
December 28, 2024

Enrollment Closes:
January 7, 2025

Questions? Email us:

Great Decisions Course

Learn how to make Great Decisions with ease


5 weeks of guidance and online coaching
1 year access to our online community
An intimate group format for deep learning
Experience the AOA reverse classroom
Daily practices for integration
Large group Q&A's and Study Halls
Solo exercises and experiments
Weekly Rapid Coaching with Joe
Due to overwhelming demand enrollment closed early

Frequently Asked Questions

Have any other questions? Reach out, and we'll be happy to help.
Contact us
What will I get from this course that I can’t get from just listening to the podcast? 
  • What can you get from playing baseball that you can’t get from watching it? The answer is the same: It’s an embodied experience. 
  • It’s the difference between listening to a podcast from a personal trainer and booking an in-person appointment. There is a world of difference to have someone guide you into what it feels like to be in certain positions and to help you make micro-adjustments. 
  • This hands-on approach helps the knowledge actually become a part of you—integrated into your body—rather than something you’ve heard someone talk about.  
How could an online course be more effective than an in-person retreat?
  • It’s not more effective, it’s effective in a different way. It’s like comparing apples and oranges. 
  • There’s a different kind of change that happens when you are able to do this work over five weeks, instead of over four days or a weekend retreat.
  • The Great Decisions Course takes place alongside your work, your relationships, and your daily routine. This means that you are able to directly apply what you’re learning to your daily life.
  • This will lead you to discover things that you would not discover in the context of a retreat. 
Who is Great Decisions Course not for?
  • If you’re not using your skepticism effectively: Skepticism is healthy and an important part of the journey. But if you’re skeptical before running experiments, it will add in a bias that renders the experiment ineffective. Our exercises are most useful when you can keep an open mind, until after the fact. Then, skepticism  is invaluable. 
  • If you’re not ready to be sincere: The work we do requires a deep commitment to self-exploration. If you’re unable to join the program from a place of sincerity and openness, this likely won’t be a good use of your money.  (Note: Sincerity does not mean seriousness. Enjoying the process is one of the most effective ways to be in this work.) 
  • If you don’t want to embark on an emotionally rich and intense journey of self-discovery: The Great Decisions Course is an intense and immersive experience that is designed to push your boundaries and challenge you to find your edge. While we provide expert care and guidance along the way, this isn’t the right program for everyone.
What makes Great Decisions Course cost $3000? 
  • We have considered raising the price for the Great Decisions Course since we believe the course’s value is much higher than our price.
  • We’ve chosen not to because we want to support folks in all professions. 
  • $3,000 is the cost we have decided on that reflects the time and effort of our team, along with the deep care and personalization we provide to every participant — all while keeping it accessible.
  • We’ve designed it to have a long tail of learning, because our curriculum revolves around transformation, not around learning just another decision-making framework.
  • Finally, we’ve seen time in and time out that the investment you put in is the best indicator of your commitment. And we only want to work with people who are committed to the work.
Why is Great Decisions Course only held once a year?
  • This course is an intense and immersive journey. Joe works with our team of highly trained coaches to track each participant’s journey. 
  • The level of care and commitment we give to your transformation is why we are only able to run the course once a year.
What should I know before joining the course? Are there any prerequisites to joining?
  • There are no formal prerequisites for joining the Great Decisions Course. The only requirement is an openness to explore, engage, and experiment with the principles taught. 
  • To get the most out of the program, we encourage you to approach it with intentionality, vulnerability, and a spirit of curiosity and enjoyment. 
  • Also, nobody is forcing you to take this course. If a friend or colleague is pressuring you to come and you don’t feel called to it, then you shouldn’t do it.

For those seeking additional guidance, we offer a prep guide via email to help you prepare for the Great Decisions Course experience. Join the waitlist to get our Prep Guide.

What is the time commitment?
  • 2x mandatory calls a week (3.5 hours)
  • Solo work and Daily Experiments (10-15 minutes daily)
  • Podcast and prep for partner call (1 hour) 
  • Friday Large Group calls (1.5 hours) - Optional and recorded
  • Weekly Study hall (1 hour) - Optional
What if I’m not sure I have enough time for Great Decisions Course?
  • Thinking you have a lack of time to do this work is a good indication that this work will have benefits for you.
  • The sense that you have a lack of time is often due to over-management, perfectionism, defensiveness, fear, and shame. All of these, and how they affect your decision-making, are addressed in the course.
  • Consider this: Many of us have time to consume content, scroll on our phones, and run around in circles at our job, but we don’t have time to work on things that increase our capacity for a lifetime, which no one can take away from us.
How flexible are you with timing?
  • Very. Your solo work is done on your own time, the partner session is scheduled on your own time, and the weekly Q&A with Joe Hudson is recorded if you are unable to attend. 
  • The small group session is available at four different time slots. (See Course Schedule). Please reach out if you don’t think any of the times will work for you.
What is the difference between the Connection Course vs Great Decisions Course vs Master Class?
  • The Connection Course is designed specifically around relationships with yourself and others, communication, and resolving conflicts.
  • Meanwhile, the Great Decisions Course has a deep focus on emotional fluidity and decision-making.
  • Master Class helps you see through the seven limiting beliefs that most people have. 
  • The content and results of all the courses are different, with only a small overlap when necessary. 
What are the tangible tools and things I will get from Great Decisions Course?

There are too many to name, but some of the most powerful are: 

  • How to embrace and uncover the emotions you've previously avoided
  • Learn how to recognize and alter bad habits
  • Practice six key hacks to streamline your decision-making process
  • Understand how emotions influence your decisions
  • Learn the role principles play in great decision-making
  • Test and run experiments on your principles in real-life scenarios
  • Develop confidence in making decisions
  • Refine your principles based on your experiments
  • Integrate your learnings and apply them to significant life decisions.

Most importantly, you will be surrounded by an amazing, supportive community of like-minded and ambitious individuals. Many people in our cohorts become close friends and remain in touch for years. 

Can I get a reimbursement from my employer?
  • Yes. During the application process, you will have access to a pre-written template which you can use to explain the value of the program to your manager or company and request reimbursement.
  • Many organizations provide professional development stipends to their employees.
Is a payment program offered?
  • Yes, you can pay in installments. Contact us for more details at

Powerful, intense, eye-opening and valuable. You get to see and feel things about yourself that you can't unsee.

Eva Pianezzola
Designer and Project Coordinator

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